Now Water Pollution Can Be Cleaned Up Using Sunlight

water pollution by chemical toxins

INTRODUCTION Water pollution is a serious environmental issue because water scarcity might become a universal matter of discord. Contaminants, toxins, and impurities that are either man-made or natural eventually find their place in water. The reason could be given that water covers 97% of the globe. 3% of water comes under freshwater including glaciers, ice […]

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China to Launch Five Year Plan To Protect Marine Environment

China is ready to protect marine environment.

Before 2035, China is aiming to achieve the goal of “Beautiful China” set by the 19th National Congress. China is launching a five-year plan to protect Marine Environment. Environmental issues have caused extensive damage across the coasts of China. Ecological restoration will improve the biodiversity of marine water bodies. Check out China and Its New […]

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Climate Change Threatening Survival of Pakistani Children – UNICEF Report

Children are most vulnerable to climate crisis

Pakistan is securing number 8th in most affected countries by climate change UNICEF reported that Children in Pakistan are most vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. Pakistan is at number 14th on the Children’s Climate Risk Index where children are at high risk to experience impacts of climate change. The Government of Pakistan is […]

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Climate Change Is Increasing Food Shortage Around The World

food shortage around the world

INTRODUCTION Climate change is bringing consequences predicted by experts over years ago. The increasing food shortage around the world is also an impact of climate change. Human activities such as fossil fuel combustion release greenhouse gases that are causing greenhouse effects and global warming. Ultimately the whole scenario is leading to the rising temperature of […]

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Climate Change Is Increasing Water Scarcity Around The World

water stress is causing economic and health problems

INTRODUCTION Human-induced climate change is showing its negative consequences all around the globe. Out of many serious environmental issues, water scarcity would remain a prime problem. Water shortage, water stress, or water scarcity, all these terms are similar that describes the severity of the problem. Overuse, inappropriate agriculture practices, urbanization, human population, industrialization, water pollution […]

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Climate Change and Himalayan Glacier Hazard

himalayan glacier retreat will cause damage resulting in floods

In Himalayas glacial lakes are filling up all due to glaciers retreat and this issue has not received any attention yet. Himalayan glaciers retreat would cause severe damage in the area and human settlement will be more vulnerable to its threat. Himalayan mountains and glaciers retreat driven by Climate change are prone to Earthquakes. The […]

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Top Companies Contributing to World’s Third Carbon Emission

saudi aramco, exxonmobil, top contributors to world's carbon emission into the air

A famous news source disclosed the top companies contributing to almost one-third of emitting greenhouse gases in the air. The researcher mentioned the heavy consumption of fossil fuels increasing the emission of greenhouse gases. The companies responsible for emissions are owned by national as well as private shareholders. The consequences of climate change are severe […]

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Fish turn into Zombies by Antidepressants Fluoxetine

toxic effects of antidepressants on fish population

Recent news reported a shocking study related to fish that turned into zombies by antidepressants. Researchers used guppy fish for two-year-long experimental works and studied the results  Fluoxetine is a known antidepressant medicine also famous for Prozac. Environmental pollution by human activities is causing problems for marine life.   Recent news reported a shocking study […]

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