10 Latest Innovative Environmental Friendly Technologies

latest techniques could be sound option against climate change


Climate change is real and vigorously happening at the present time around the world. Experts are trying to invent new techniques that might prove rewarding against the impacts of climate change. There are many eco-friendly techniques that already have been introduced. The governments should launch such techniques in their respective countries without delaying any further because the current extreme weather events are full of rage and are also bringing violent changes in the ecosystem of the Earth.

Check out: 15 New Technologies and Innovations for improving our Environment

Here we have discussed the latest technologies that are effective and help to fight climate change.

  1. Plastic Roads

The world is dealing with plastic waste, in such a scenario, the invention of the plastic road is a sustainable solution as well as the latest technique. The plastic road concept has been introduced by Rajagopalan Vasudevan. Recently, Pakistan has utilized this concept and made a one kilometer long road in its capital city of Islamabad, named as Ataturk Avenue, using around 10 tonnes of waste plastic bottles. This project was conducted with the joint efforts of Coca-Cola Company, National Incubation Centre and CDA.

  1. Solar Panel Solar Roadways

Solar power is renewable energy and the best use of it could cut off electricity bills and reduce the burden on power generation by fossil fuel combustion. The solar panel solar roadways concept has been introduced by an American company in order to make smart highways. The founders of this company are Scott Brusaw and Julie Brusaw.

  1. Solar glass

Increasing demand for electricity is putting pressure on fossil fuel combustion. Recently, the solar glass technique has been introduced by Yimu Zhao, the transparent solar glass can convert solar energy into electricity. Imagine windows made using this transparent solar panel and the amount of energy that can be made using this technology. Also, check out 15 Easy Ways To Make Your Home Environmental Friendly/Green

  1. Digitization and going paperless 

Keeping in mind the problems our world is confronting, paper generation is one of them. Nowadays, digitization is being adopted worldwide not only as an eco-friendly solution but that could save you from pandemics such as contagious diseases that spread through the paper as well. You may like to read: 10 Simple Ways To Go Paperless At Home And In Your Business

  1. Graphene

The existing environmental conditions degrade the infrastructure of buildings and lead to environmental pollution. The corrosive material is subjected to deterioration.  Concerning such a situation, Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov have introduced graphene material that has many applications including water desalinization, anti-corrosive in paints, etc.

Also read: Blueprint of an Eco-city – How To Create Sustainable Cities?

  1. Smart Trees

Smart trees are also known as city trees that are more efficient in tackling air pollution especially particulate matter as claimed by inventors. This concept has been introduced by Green City Solutions and the inventors of this technique are Peter Sänger and Liang Wu. Pakistan is going to implement Smart tree technology in the city of Lahore.

  1. Eco Architecture and Interior Design

Urban cities are in dire need of eco-architecture and interior design. This sustainable and eco-friendly approach against the impacts of climate change is currently been applied by a lot of architects who care for the environment. Buildings don’t have to be a burden on the environment and a source of its degradation, they can also be environmental-friendly and there are a lot of techniques that can help you make a building green! You can read further here: Eco-Friendly Sustainable Interior Design – How To Do It?

You might also like: How Can We Make Our Cities Sustainable (An Eco-City)?

  1. Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is a sustainable option for self-sustenance. This term was first introduced by Gilbert Ellis Bailey and later modern vertical farm method was introduced by Dickson Despommier. Read: Rooftop Vegetation and Vertical Gardening – Solution to Self-Sustenance

  1. Recycled Plastic Waste Bricks

Another amazing and eco-friendly technique has been introduced by Nzambi Matee who bricks by recycling plastic waste. The recyclable plastic waste bricks are made from different types of plastics and are stronger than concrete. This can revolutionize the construction industry.

  1. Remote Work

We all have learned that work can be done from home, the most recent evidence of it has been observed during the Pandemic. There are many places in the world that are hiring people for remote work. This is essential so that the traffic congestion on roads can be reduced and in return greenhouse gases emissions would be less. Jack Nilles deserves appreciation when he first introduced this concept by the term telecommuting.

For more such inventions and technologies read: 10 Green Eco-Friendly Inventions Helping Restore Ecosystem

I hope you all liked this post! Please comment below if you have any suggestions, comments, or feedback! We at #envpk love hearing from our readers! Thanks!

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