Fashion Industry and Its Negative Impacts on the Environment

fashion industry is causing global warming, air pollution water pollution

INTRODUCTION The fashion industry is a huge business all around the world because of clothing. The demand for new, fancy, and stylish clothing is never-ending. At the international level, many people are working and making earning through this field. FASHION INDUSTRY This term is an amalgam of many things that represent accessories and clothing. It […]

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15 New Technologies and Innovations for improving our Environment

solar power, biomass energy, bio-plastic are eco-friendly technologies

The ecosystem of the Earth is subjected to environmental degradation since the revolution of industries. The human population is increasing at an alarming rate and stressing the natural reserves. Urban sprawl and industrialization in order to meet the demand of increasing population are contributing to climate change. Our world is facing many environmental problems. Climate […]

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Global Warming – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

global warming is inducing natural disasters

INTRODUCTION Global Warming: It is defined as the abrupt rise in the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. This situation is generally characterized as greenhouse effects. Greenhouse Gases: The radiations are absorbed by greenhouse gases that in return emitted in the thermal infrared range. The greenhouse gases are methane, carbon dioxide, water vapors, nitrous oxide, […]

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Increasing Natural Disasters due to Climate Change

climate change is causing increased natural disasters

Introduction Natural Disaster: It is defined as naturally extreme events with adverse impacts occurring due to the natural processes of the Earth. Examples of natural disasters are hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami floods, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, etc. Other than natural processes of the Earth, human activities are also responsible for triggering natural disasters such as storms, wildfires, […]

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