Forgotten 2022 Pakistan Flood Affectees And Their Future


Pakistan Monsoon Floods 2022 The monsoon of August 2022 in Pakistan was recorded as the highest ever in the region’s 30 year rainfall pattern. As a result the flooding caused by the monsoon weather in Pakistan proved to be the deadliest natural disaster to ever hit the region. The flood waters submerged all 4 provinces […]

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Commodified Dead of South Punjab – Foreign Aid Amid Floods


South Punjab, the most deprived region since independence is once again under catastrophic circumstances. Prior, it was  neglected in domains of budget distributions, human developments and infrastructures but now the inhabitants of this region are facing monopolisation, exploitation and irrelevancy even after their deaths. The more the dead count is, the more it generates the […]

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Impacts Of Changing Monsoon Season Rains Pattern In Pakistan

Introduction: Seasonal change in the direction of usual, strongest winds of a region is termed as monsoon. Throughout most of the tropics, it causes a dry or wet season. It is mostly associated with the Indian Ocean. Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) reported about monsoon rainfall distribution that climate change has resulted in a 100-kilometer spatial […]

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Monsoon Season of Pakistan – Importance and Problems

INTRODUCTION: Monsoon season is a major weather system that brings a huge amount of rain (and thus freshwater) with itself. Monsoon winds carrying rainclouds enter Pakistan from east/north-east side and cause massive amounts of rainfall in north and northeastern regions of Pakistan. In Pakistan Monsoon season starts in July and lasts till September. Monsoon wind […]

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