Top Companies Contributing to World’s Third Carbon Emission

saudi aramco, exxonmobil, top contributors to world's carbon emission into the air

A famous news source disclosed the top companies contributing to almost one-third of emitting greenhouse gases in the air. The researcher mentioned the heavy consumption of fossil fuels increasing the emission of greenhouse gases. The companies responsible for emissions are owned by national as well as private shareholders. The consequences of climate change are severe […]

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Water Crisis in Pakistan- Current and Future

Water supply shortage in Pakistan and the consequences

Introduction Currently, Pakistan is known as the water-stressed country that would soon take the title of the water-scarce country in the near future unless strong water conservation strategies and management plans are implemented. In 2018, it was stated in an international report that, by 2025 Pakistan would become a water-scarce country due to depleted water […]

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Nuclear Waste Production and Management in Pakistan

hazardous nuclear waste is problem for human and environment

Introduction Pakistan joined the list of nuclear power countries in May 1998 after testing an atomic bomb and became the first Muslim country with nuclear power. Pakistan has five operating nuclear power plants that are supervised under the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, the nuclear agency of the Government, and the scientists. Currently, Pakistan owns a […]

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Waste to Energy Plants Can Curb Pakistan’s Electricity Crisis

renewable energy source by waste to energy technique

Introduction Due to urban sprawl and increasing population, municipal solid waste is being produced in high quantity each day. This issue of waste requires proper handling and supervision. The accumulated waste often results in the outbreak of diseases. There are various municipal solid waste-related treatment methods; however, the specific ways that do not cause threats […]

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The Problems of Increasing Noise Pollution in Pakistan

hearing impairment due to noise pollution

Noise Pollution In Pakistan Noise pollution is one kind of environmental pollution and it is categorized as the most disturbing problem with significant negative effects. Any unwanted, undesired, or unpleasant, loud sound can be called noise if one remains exposed to it for a longer period of time. In accordance with the world health organization, […]

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Biomethane from MSW– A Case Study of Karachi Pakistan

anaerobic biodestion for waste to energy power generation

Published research reported a case study of Karachi related to the assessment of biomethane generation from municipal solid waste. Anaerobic biodigestion was carried out on fresh synthetic waste material. The study suggested the installation of biowaste digestion plants and reported the 21 % estimated reduction in an energy supply shortage. There would be no release […]

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Urbanization affects Microclimate of Abbottabad Pakistan

urbanization affecting environment of pakistan

Published Research outlined the effects of Urbanization on the Microclimate of Abbottabad Pakistan. Factors that contribute to environmental degradation were taken into consideration. The methodology of research employed techniques related to geographic information systems and remote sensing. Urbanization is causing degradation of the environment by increasing land surface temperature, depleting water sources, and decreasing vegetation. […]

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