What is Reforestation? What are the Methods and Importance?

What is Reforestation? Reforestation means replanting or attempting to regrow plants, trees and other flora on the land that was previously cleared to benefit humans for their activities such as cultivation, or for timber for furniture, logging for cabins and other purposes that require some use of wood and land. Now, Reforestation also happens when […]

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Sustainable Forest Management – Methods and Importance

What is meant by Sustainable Forest Management? Sustainable Management of forests means the ability to manage forests in a way that preserves the forest habitat, its resources and the biodiversity within it as well as fulfill the current economic, social and commercial needs of the human population without rendering them useless or unable to be […]

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Pakistan Proceeds Towards Bamboo Production by Joining INBAR

increased bamboo production in Pakistan as a full member of INBAR

Pakistan is going to become a full member of INBAR to increase bamboo production International Network on Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) is an international organization Almost every country of SAARC is a member of INBAR excluding Afghanistan and Pakistan Also read: Need for Trees in Karachi – Importance and Benefits Of Trees The government of […]

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