Biological Warfare and Its Catastrophic Effect on Environment

bio-warfare kill animals, plants and cause air water soil pollution

INTRODUCTION There would be no problem in describing Biological warfare as an atrocious act. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE The use of living microorganisms specifically pathogens to kill humans, plants, and animals is known as biological warfare. The harmful microorganisms are called biological agents. Some insects and plants are used to derive poison. The biological weapons are either […]

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Rawalpindi: Chlorine Resistant Bacteria in Water Filter Plants

water from filtration plants were contaminated with E. coli.

Recent research has reported the presence of chlorine-resistant bacteria in water filter plants based in Rawalpindi. The methodology of the study includes the collection and microbiological analysis of 107 water samples for evaluating the anticipated results. Waterborne diseases are proven fatal and directly transmitted to humans through drinking water consumption. It is recommended that drinking […]

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