Oil Spills – Causes, Effects, and Solution

marine oil spills kill biodiversity

INTRODUCTION Oil Spills: The accidental leakage/release of oil into the surrounding environment is known as oil spills. It is a form of environmental pollution. The release of petroleum hydrocarbons into the environment has environmental consequences. Oil spills occur in marine ecosystems such as oceans, coastlines, estuaries, etc. However, the incidents of oil spills happen on […]

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Types of Bioremediation and Their Advantages and Disadvantages

bioremediation is used for heavy metals

INTRODUCTION Bioremediation: Bioremediation is a combination of two words that are bio and remediation. It is defined as a technique in which living organisms are used for the removal of different types of toxins, pollutants, and contaminants from water, soil, etc. Bioremediation is associated with biotechnology. The impacts of environmental disasters can be reduced by […]

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Coast of Pakistan and its Environmental Issues

hingol one of coastal areas of Pakistan Baluchistan

Introduction Coast:  This term is also famous as seashore or coastline. The coast is the borderline between dry land area and water bodies. More specifically where the land area joins sea, ocean, Lake, etc is the coastline. The coastlines are covering an area of 620,000 kilometers on Earth. Coastal Ecosystem: Coastal ecosystem encompasses coral reefs, […]

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